
Hive Trygon's second lot
18th Aug, 2009

Hive Trygon over at Troll Forged Miniatures is selling off yet more stuff, this time a massive lots of Confrontation miniature ranges. The new spin casting gear turns up Friday, and this is all in aid of buying supplies. Hive Trygon has put a lot of effort into building TFM, and the spin caster is going to improve output and make metal available too. This will benefit the TFM community tremendously, and get more sculpts into the store. So if you fancy getting some of your greens in TFM, now may be the best time to get cracking on that masterpiece!

If you are interested pop over to eBay and take a look: Hive Trygon on eBay

If you wish to find out more about Hive Trygon's plans you can read more on the forum thread: New metal set up


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