Sciror - mobile
I've updated the old Sciror website with a mobile responsive theme. If you spot any issues, please let me know. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this website. I thought about making it a WordPress site for Sciror development, but for now, I'd rather have all development in one place, here on
In moving the project forward, all new Sciror stuff will be posted on, and I'll move the final pages over to, and compile them into a pdf when complete. At a later date, I may switch it over to a WordPress site to gain feedback from customers, to refine and clarify, rather than develop or experiment.
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Hearing feedback is very important to me in developing my ideas. Much of my designs are inspired, and crafted, by chatting to fans on forums before snowballing into a full concepts posted on this website. I would like to thank all those who have contributed critiques and participated in discussions over the years. If you would like join in, you are most welcome!
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