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Below are the most recent comments;
Hi Phil, I really enjoyed reading through your Philhammer concepts and it's nice to see a fan with as much…
Found you on DeviantArt. Nice work.
None of the Dreadnought yet, but I've been 3d modeling with Sketchup and have posted some of my work on…
Ah, life, yeah, that'll do it 😐 I'll check out those CBC podcast. etc. Thanks for the heads up. Do…
Family, work, and all the other things that take time and focus away from hobbies. As well, it was getting…
Thank you for your kind words. Why are you no longer involved in WH40k since 2015?
Good day, Philip. I accidentally found your blog again and it's good to see your work. If it's worth it,…
You're welcome. At some point I'll weave this clarification to the article. Thanks for the feedback.
Fascinating. Thank you for the reply~!
Ceraous is the strongest form of Ceramite. There are stronger materials than Ceraous that the Imperium uses for armours, these…
Science illiterate here. Why is ceraous rarely used for armor if it's the strongest ceramic?
The word 'meatspace' here means the real world (as opposed to the virtual world).
That sounds about right. When I hear the term 'meatspace' I think of the Cenobites from the Hellraiser films. Which…
Well, when Dante System (aka one of Matrioshka brains from Dark age of Technology) got caught in the Eye of…
Like the Dante system in Twistasy? 🙂 Your idea makes me wonder about the nature of the Dante system in…
Yes, and the solar system where the Matrioshka Brain that simulates the Reality (that's later become Warhammer Fantasy/AoS Universe) is…
So a Matrioshka Brain is caught in the Eye of Terror and has simulated the Warhammer Fantasy/ Age of Sigmar…
This makes my headcannon Warhammer Fantasy/Age of Sigmar a Pocket Universe within a Matrioshka brain (that's got caught in eye…
I had a phone interview with the Mental Health Team today, and I may have ADHD. I'm being referred, so…
I'm glad you enjoyed your journey through Philhammer. In answer to you question: I imagine Kron is an Artiloid (by…