
Remote Drone Worker
10th Sep, 2019

One of the aims of ECORR, and VotNF, is encouraging family and community cohesion. Not only by gating the community and keeping school and amenities local within guarded safe-space, but also in adopting future technologies that decrease the break up of the community. One of the major factors breaking up communities is moving because of a new job. Ideally, we'd move the job to the person, rather than the person to the job.

Thanks to IT, many office workers use shared working spaces (like WeWork) or working from home. Flex-time allows more time for family life, creating a better work-life balance, and reduces travel time to zero. Those using IT to facilitate their jobs have a more stable community, because they do not have to move to the job, the jobs come to them, and jobs from all over the world can come to them. These shared working spaces are found in the interior of the ECORR structures. Safe and secure.

Currently the same is not true for manual labour jobs, especially outdoor and distant jobs, such as working on electrical grids or oil rigs. We do not that the technology to remove into such jobs, but in the future, we may.

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Sciror vs 40K Timeline
4th Sep, 2019

In translating Philhammer into Sciror, and ripping out all the GW IP, I thought it'll be a good idea to line up the various era if both timelines with each other. Then swap out 40K names for Sciror names, before reworking the whole background. Sciror may be based on Philhammer concepts, but I'd like it to be a suitably different take, and though it'll end up all grimdark, there are solar punk elements before everything falls apart.

The top era of the timeline belong to Sciror, the bottom era of the timeline belong to 40K.

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3rd Sep, 2019

Some areas of the Supremacy economy needs sorting out. With our modern world facing mass automation and machine learning, I think it would be interesting to throw that into the Sciror mix. The Machines (Artilects and Artiloid servants) can supply all the goods and services people need to live. This does not result in a Communist utopia as there is still a ‘sexual marketplace’ and people compete. If people compete, you have winners and losers.

The machines give everyone the same resources, an allowance of goods and services on a daily basis. This does not stop wealth inequality, as people can give, trade, and sell their excess to others. Or sacrifice to create excess. Which means other people make more than their allotted amount by providing non-machine services to other people. The main economy is entertainment, think ‘YouTube as everything’. Everyone has a channel, and everyone is trying to produce content. Some are better than others.

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1st Sep, 2019

New shoulders?

This is the prototype of the Sciror Legionary. With my experience of designed a 3D version of the GW Space Marine, I know how tricky it can be to make the armour look right. In this design I'm trying to make the armour look anatomically pleasing, as if the armour was the character - but a human can still fit inside. To achieve this requires messing with perception, playing with the optics. The legs are given the illusion of being longer by inserting pivot points high on the waist, and the perceived 'head' is really a sensor array (the 'visor') being mounted towards the top of the head. Both the eye line and crotch are lower than the seem to be. A real pilot's head would be a little lower, in the neck area, and if you look there is a dome like helm under the 'visor'. The shoulder array has the pivot in the middle, but on a human the joint is high on the shoulder.

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VotNF sorting
31st Aug, 2019

I've updated the VotNF index to link to more articles, and converted a couple of posts into pages. They still need a bit of work and simplified language, but the gist of it is down. Working towards unify the concepts, and laying out the basics for VotNF and how it will all lead into Sciror.

I also added in this rather nice image of brutalist architecture;

Which has some of the staggered terrace design elements I'm discussing, which adds a little credence to the whole ECORR concept. Combined with the idea that multi-story car parks can already span the width of most British roads, and I think we are on to a winner 😉

At the heart of the design, ECORR is nothing more than building a multi-story car park over a road than slapping a shopping mall on top and covering that mall with housing.

Visions of the Near Future

Sciror - mobile
31st Aug, 2019

I've updated the old Sciror website with a mobile responsive theme. If you spot any issues, please let me know. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this website. I thought about making it a WordPress site for Sciror development, but for now, I'd rather have all development in one place, here on

In moving the project forward, all new Sciror stuff will be posted on, and I'll move the final pages over to, and compile them into a pdf when complete. At a later date, I may switch it over to a WordPress site to gain feedback from customers, to refine and clarify, rather than develop or experiment.

29th Aug, 2019

I've set up a Patreon account to support what I'm up to. I'll be progressing the Sciror and Spheres of War projects. My aim is to create free PDFs of both products, and sell hard copies through a print-on-demand service. Sciror is my Philhammer background remade without any GW IP, and Spheres of War is a table-top and RPG rule set.

Become a Patron!

I've also added the Patreon button to the Connect page, and added the "subscribe | patronise" button below to all posts (which only shows up in single page mode, if you are wondering why you cannot see it from the main blog page).

Crystal Tech
7th Jan, 2019

I've updated the Crystal Tech description to make this version of photonic platform programmable. It lays the basis of an early machine revolt in the style of the Terminator trope, and one of the reasons that AI is banned by the Ad-Mec. It also brings up a biological argument of intrinsic nature for machines. The main change is this;

This is where the platform itself also becomes programmable. In other words, not only can software be programmed, but also the hardware can be programmed too. The ‘crystal block’ can be thought of as a blank system, and then the system is programmed into the block. This is like writing the motherboard, CPU, memory, SSD, GPU, etc. into the block. Once the block is programmed, it can then run software programs. The interesting thing about Crystal Tech is that the software program, if allowed, can alter the hardware program to modify itself. This is a natural part of the technology and has to be inhibited. This is the basis of some of the great AI in our history, but due to the self-programmability of the hardware and software, it also led to rebellion and the murder-bot massacres. Turns out that damage to the inhibitor returns the crystal to its natural state for hardware programmability, and the natural state is ‘on’. Those massacres left a deep wound in the collective human psyche.

The 'failure' of this technology leads to the development of the bio-wrapper for microbe biological construction of future photonics. Bio-photonics are cheaper to produce, but also have an intrinsic nature and not free-form (chaos) like pure crystal tech. The Artliects use bio-photonics, not Crystal Tech.

Warp Correction
30th Dec, 2018

Before I disappeared for a bit, pauljam left a comment on Connect pointing out an inconsistency in my pages on the science of the warp. I looked into it, and it snowballed into a far bigger issue, like pulling on the thread of your favourite woolly jumper and ending up with half a jumper. Other things came up in real life, and I never got around to sorting it out, or posting a reply, until now;

In your 'warp drive' article you say that "The Phase-Field Emitters distort the Materium up to 99% phase…. This point of unlimited power (99.99%) consumption is called the Great Barrier", but in your 'physics' article you say that "The Great Barrier is defined as 49.99r% 'phase' "


Thanks Paul! Sorry for the late reply. Your question really did mess with my design, and it's been bugging me all this time! 😀 I love it when someone spots a fundamental error as now that I have some time I can correct it. This will result in a bit of an edit once done, and the introduction of some new terms. What follows is a draft concept, which I'll use to rewrite Unified Physics Theory and Warp Drive.

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Ecorium development continued
15th Dec, 2018

Following on from my last post, here are the final stags of Ecorium development, moving beyond VotNF and into Sciror. Here things start to become a little more speculative (if that is possible!) and some fantastical elements creep in towards the end. All these Ecoria are the final development stages to get us off-world and to colonise the stars!

Stage 6 - Underwater

A redesign of the subterranean Ecorium for deep sea construction. Airlocks added, along with attached decompression chambers, and universal docking ring for coupling with submersibles. In shallow waters; humans, drones, and subs can use the airlocks. Drones are not used for maintenance of the early prototypes, but training data of humans performing maintenance was recorded for drone reference. Internally, a major overhaul of the ventilation systems was needed to allow for internal bulkheads to contain water in the case of an outer wall breach scenario. The environment system does not use free-flowing air vents. Instead, a network of compressors, pumps and valves are used to move air or liquid from one chamber to another to equalise pressure or expel liquid. This system was hard tested by blowing a 2m hole through the outer wall with a limpet mine. The shutdown saved 92% of the internal space, and once the outer wall was patched with automated (test) drones, the environment system expelled the seawater.

Deep Water

When Ecorium are constructed below 200m, SCUBA diving is considered impractical for humans. The airlocks are used exclusively by drones and subs (with a grey area of the ADS anthropomorphic submersible, but not used) All external maintenance in the deep is done by remote drones. These drones are not human-like as the environment is so hostile to humans there is no need to implement the human redundant design. If a human were to perform maintenance using an ADS (very rare), they would not use normal human hand-held tools, as ADS do not expose the hands, and instead have mechanical claws and hard-points to attach the drone tools.

Stage 7 - orbit

A rotating wheel space station with cermet based Ecorium in the ring, using centrifugal force to create a simulation of gravity. Similar to Space Station V from 2001. All building material, prefab parts, and drones are put into space using a Mass Launcher. Due to the incredibly high acceleration of objects launched using this system: it is unsuitable for astronauts. Instead, astronauts are launched into orbit using a traditional (by then) hypersonic SABRE engines.

The Ecorium is a fundamental part of the recycling of air in the life-support system. The growing-rooms house banks of sealed rack-farms to reprocess the air, and absorb carbon dioxide, and produce oxygen. All powered with Thorium Reactors, used for efficiency of fuel use and safety. The rack-farms produce food for the astronauts. Careful calculations were made to ensure sustainability, with the excess food production being incinerated to balance the system (else the CO2 will be used up, and the remaining plants die). Aeroponics uses little water, and most of the water is stored in underfloor tanks in the growing-rooms, arranged in a cell structure, where each cell can be isolated and severed from the system. Water is run through the reactor, for cooling, and to ensure the water is sterilised.

Also used in early space flight by humans with our solar system, using the principles rotational ring design. The ships used in the colonisation of Mars used this system, while the Ecoria built on the Martian surface used a variant of Stage 6.

Stage 8

Interstellar starship design. These Ecoria are spun to produce centrifugal force to act as artificial 'gravity'. Stage 8 systems use 'grav-plates', based on phased-materials, which do not produce gravity! These materials were created by the Artilects.

There is a long gap between stage 7 and stage 8. While humans colonised the stars, we did not travel there using interstellar ships using stage 8 designs. Instead, it was only the machines that travelled to the stars, and when they arrived thousands of years later, they constructed humans out of base elements They wove our DNA, incubated the first generation, and then Artiloid nannies brought up this founding generation. The history of a human colony is always a fiction, designed to give humans a functioning culture and psychological stability. Most colonies think they are still on Earth and never went anywhere, completely unaware they are thousands of light years from humanity's birth, and still dreaming of going to the stars.

For untold millennia, there was no faster way to travel between the stars. The Artilects had created warp-drives for the human expansion into space, but they could not navigate, so the program was put on indefinite hold. Suspended animation was ruled out due to the extreme timeframes of getting to the stars, as was frozen embryos (or sperm and eggs) due to vulnerability, so the machines decided to build humans once they arrived at their destination. The alternative, and less desirable, constructor ships were used. Stage 8 only became a reality when organic based psionics become noticeable on certain high-density hive worlds, and the machines discovered that some humans could sense the flow of the warp. This led to the 'navigator' program, selective breeding, and genetic engineering. Once a machine-human hybrid could navigate the warp, the Supremacy dominated the galaxy.